Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog Facelift... And a Very Un-inspiring Post.

Is it raining where you are at right now? It was raining and storming here this evening. I haven't felt like writing in quite awhile, but the rain seemed to trigger something deep within my heart and I felt inspired. So inspired in fact, that I pulled up my blog... only to discover that the background that I used was removed from the web! SO... not only did my blog not have a background and looked horribly messy... it didn't look like an inspiring place to write... or read for that matter.

What goes without telling is the fact that I spent the last few hours making over my blog. Hopefully you all like it! It needed a face-lift anyways...

SO.... now that it's done... I'm feeling very UN-inspired to write. Very tired. And I have church in the morning. I hope you all don't mind too terribly much! Hopefully soon I'll have time to catch you up on what's been happening in my life lately.... because it's CRAZY EXCITING!


  1. Hi Emily...I have been wondering what you have been doing these last days of summer? Wondering how you are doing and wanting to tell you that you have been on my mind.

    How are your dad, and your brother and sister doing?

    I trust that God is directing your paths and daily loading you all down with blessings...and showering His love upon you! Our God is so loving and kind and He cares about every detail of our lives! Amen?

    I like the new look of your blog. I am impressed that you can do it yourself...I would have no idea how to do that stuff...but that's why I let Abigail do it! (:>) And she enjoys working on it.

    I am glad it rained some last night too. We needed some relief from this heat...I will welcome Autumn...especially this year.

    Have a glorious Lord's day today...and a good week ahead. I am saying a prayer for you and your family.


  2. I like your new blog look and I admire that you could do that in just a few hours!

    Nice to see you back. What's new in your life? Especially, that's so "crazy exciting"???

  3. I like the new blog look. I had a similar problem. My original blog background was from The Cutest Blog on the Block. They announced it would be going away because of server issues. i grabbed their new html code but it didn't work. So I went to a site for a different free blog background!!! Have a lovely week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)


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