Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just Do It!

:) Reading my title probably brought to mind the Nike brand. Personally, I have always liked their slogan because it evokes a sense of action, passion, and a call to get out and DO! Jacob and I went to an evening church service this evening to check out the church next door. The guest speaker, George Kovoor, who is Chaplain to the Queen, spoke about how modern day Christians really lack action. We talk and talk and talk, but do we really go out and LIVE our beliefs? He talked about how the mark of a true believer is someone who, when he has a revelation, or he learns something new about God that really excites him, doesn't just go away and do nothing. But goes away changed. Goes away and does something with what he learned. He applies his knowledge to everyday life.

This got me thinking about my own life. I can read books beyond measure about how to pursue God and live for Him, but if they don't radically alter my living, what is the point? We grow spiritually when we are obedient to the call of our Lord Jesus. We grow spiritually when we aren't content to only be a Christian that talks the talk...we need to walk the walk as well! We need to just do it!

I can read books. I can talk. I can look like a "good Christian"....but if I am not getting out there and living it, it is all useless.

Kovoor gave an analogy this evening that I really liked. He asked "How many of you know the Queen?" Almost everyone raised their hands, because she is on our currency! It is almost impossible not to know who the Queen is. "But" he challenged,"If you were in a crowd of people...would the Queen recognize you?" Probably not, unless you were one of her intimate friends. Then he likened this to Jesus, do you know "of" Jesus? Or do you really know Jesus? The question is not "Do you know Jesus?". The question is:

"Does Jesus know you?"

Why do we simply settle for a kind of, halfway, "if it will get me into Heaven" type of relationship with the Savior of the universe? He desires to know us thoroughly and intimately. Let's strive for this living breathing relationship with the One who formed us by hand! Let's get out there and make a difference in this world doing something that counts for the Kingdom! Something that is worthy of the words "well done my good and faithful servant."

What are you waiting for??

Stop talking and...

JUST DO IT!!! :)


  1. Thanks for posting that Emily. It is a very good topic and one I have been thinking about lately. Jesus talks about the same thing in Mark 4 when he tell the parable of the Sower. I also think that John 14:15-20 talk about the solution to the problem.

    The chaplain asked the question "Do you know Jesus?" and "Does Jesus know you?" I think it goes much deeper then this. The question really is "Do I love God enough to do what He wants? and "Do love Him enough to desire that relationship with Him?" that the chaplain was talking about.

    Thanks once again for blogging this. It has caused me to sit here and contemplate my relationship with God for about an hour.

    In Christ,

  2. Very true.

    "Would Jesus know you?" Very good question and one that makes me really stop and pray. Praise be to God that he has chosen us out of this world to be redeemed, to be His peculiar people. Makes me think of Heb 12:1-2

    "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith...

    So lets cinch up the running shoes, get your game on, and....

    JUST DO IT!!!!

  3. Amen brothers!

    The question "Does Jesus know you?" really caused me to think about and examine my own life as well. It's a tough question. One that I think a lot of people would shy away from because it really causes you to evaluate how "real" your faith is with Jesus. If my faith is just something I "do" because that is what everyone expects of me and that is what I was brought up doing, then where is the sense of commitment to Christ? It is more of a faith of convenience than commitment. But if I wholeheartedly commit myself to Christ and desire to do what He wants, because I love Him, this is where my heart aligns with God's. God did not send His son into the world out of a sense of "duty". Can you imagine?

    God: Well, I guess I will send my son because that is what everyone expects of me.

    That's so laughable! "God so loved the world." He loved. He didn't give us life out of a sense of obligation.

    How much more should that motivate us to serve Him out of love and not obligation?

    :) Just something to contemplate....


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